2012-11-19 10:46:45 UTC
The vast majority of television shows don't make it very far. Networks
order dozens of new series every year, launch the most promising ones
in the fall... and almost immediately begin cancelling ones that don't
live up to expectations, replacing them with the shows that didn't
make the first string of launches, in the hope of eventually getting a
schedule of hits. This is the root of Too Good to Last: the network
model simply isn't generous to shows that don't get off to a healthy
But for all the dozens of shows that fail in their first year, there
are a few that survive this initial culling, complete their first
season, and are renewed for a second. Smooth sailing from now on,
Well...not always. Sometimes nobody expected the show to make it, and
so the writers and producers pulled out all the stops in the first
year, leaving nothing to work with for the next season. Sometimes a
show with a novel concept inspires imitators that either pull off the
gimmick more skillfully, or are so ubiquitious that viewers become
bored with both the original and the knockoffs. Sometimes Executive
Meddling is to blame, especially if the second season coincides with a
change in network leadership. Sometimes there's no clear cause at all;
the show simply ran out of steam, and Seasonal Rot kicked in early. In
any case, there are a lot of shows that make it through a successful
first season, only to fall victim to a Sophomore Slump and get
canceled by the end of a disappointing second season. In the end,
these shows are Short Runners.
Compare Jumping the Shark. Contrast Long Runners.
This topic kind of goes w/ this past thread:
TV shows that burned hot, then burned out almost as fast
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The vast majority of television shows don't make it very far. Networks
order dozens of new series every year, launch the most promising ones
in the fall... and almost immediately begin cancelling ones that don't
live up to expectations, replacing them with the shows that didn't
make the first string of launches, in the hope of eventually getting a
schedule of hits. This is the root of Too Good to Last: the network
model simply isn't generous to shows that don't get off to a healthy
But for all the dozens of shows that fail in their first year, there
are a few that survive this initial culling, complete their first
season, and are renewed for a second. Smooth sailing from now on,
Well...not always. Sometimes nobody expected the show to make it, and
so the writers and producers pulled out all the stops in the first
year, leaving nothing to work with for the next season. Sometimes a
show with a novel concept inspires imitators that either pull off the
gimmick more skillfully, or are so ubiquitious that viewers become
bored with both the original and the knockoffs. Sometimes Executive
Meddling is to blame, especially if the second season coincides with a
change in network leadership. Sometimes there's no clear cause at all;
the show simply ran out of steam, and Seasonal Rot kicked in early. In
any case, there are a lot of shows that make it through a successful
first season, only to fall victim to a Sophomore Slump and get
canceled by the end of a disappointing second season. In the end,
these shows are Short Runners.
Compare Jumping the Shark. Contrast Long Runners.
This topic kind of goes w/ this past thread:
TV shows that burned hot, then burned out almost as fast
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