On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 21:38:25 -0700, lurkinghorror
Post by lurkinghorrorOur very own newsgroup to talk about our favorite Closer!
Open for business!
I like the show despite it's having become utterly predictable as far
as the plots are concerned. I guess it's more of a "journey" than a
"destination" show.
I can't say I'm a fan of the main character that much: more of
"Flynn/Provenza Marvel Team-Up with Tao as a sidekick" kind of guy.
Those guys crack me up.
The whole Brenda/Fritz thing just seems..."off" to me, too. I just
don't buy them as a couple, even an oddly matched couple.
The ensemble could stand to be thinned out a bit with the removal of
Daniels, whose seldom-mentioned relationship with Gabriel seems to be
her primary raison d'etre as a character, and Sanchez, who had more to
do last week than the balance of the series put together. We don't
even get to see him mack on Daniels all the time like he used to.
I liked Cmdr. Taylor better when he was an asshole. He was a tough,
smart, if somewhat politcally wary character who had a beef with
Brenda over her being brought in over him and stealing some of his
people. They resolved the nature of their relationship far too quickly
into a cordial if not exactly cozy one for me. The first time he
helped her out I thought "Oh, he is setting her ass up now. She will
owe him big", but no, he was just being nice. I don't know if someone
got squeamish over the "black man bad/white woman good" dynamic (or
maybe "black character being vindictive about being passed over for a
white character") or what, but in removing him as her chief internal
conflict point they screwed him out of a lot of plot time and took
away a potentially intriguing element of the show. People tuning in
now would just assume he's a relatively minor character with whom she
never had much dealing.
As an adjunct to the above, the original uneasy Johnson/Taylor/Flynn
triangle was resolved too quickly, though Flynn is much more likeable
now than as he was as originally written. Again, a new viewer would
have no inkling of how they started out.